Small Scale ★ Big Impact


Our Mission is to improve the lives of those worldwide in desperate situations and personal crisis by providing shelter, food, education and hope. Thank you for supporting us and making a difference in their lives !

As AKUN's focus for this program moves from simply feeding the children to their overall wellbeing, we have renamed the program, the Sunday Children's Program.

Kids arriving on the 'rowie'

Washing hands is important!

The 'bobo' is their traditional breakfast

The History of the Sunday Children's Program

This wonderful program started as the Sunday Feeding Program during 2008 in Chumkiri, Kampot Province (one of the poorest in Cambodia). It expanded to also serve children from the village of Or (Phum Or). Every Sunday, the children were served one very nutritious meal of 'bobo', a rice porridge packed with eggs, chicken meat and veggies. It might not seem much but that one meal a week has proved to improve the health of these children. It is also a nice way to gather them together and check on their health and family issues, as well as, an opportunity for the youth to serve their community by organising activities for them.

What happens each Sunday ?

- Early in the morning, children come on their bikes if they have one or on the 'rowie' (a trailer pulled by a motorbike);

- at about 8am, the children are welcomed and gather in groups organized by the youth group;

​- they play games, sing and dance;

- they wash and dry their hands;

- they sit in lines and wait for the 'bobo' to be served by the youth group;

- they sing;

- they eat;

- they clean their dish and spoon

- they tidy up any litter

- time to go home !

Legal Notice

AKUN is a non profit corporation (501 c3) registered in the State of Alaska, USA

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